Last Update = Friday, September 18, 2009
Today's date = Friday, October 30, 2009
Long time no update. Last update is around 1 month and a half ago? =X WTF
Wells, few weeks ago,I joined Konsert Syukur held by Kementerian Pelajaran Sarawak.. The schedule is very hectic in a way but who cares. As long they provide transport and other things. They also paid us so.. kinda lucky to join another type of orchestra. The management there is well taken of and they are very kind to us. They are friendly too. At the practice ground, I made alot of new friends. Way lots. Now we still contact each other thru Facebook. So glad.. ^^
anyways this is the link. Konsert Syukur 2009

Jeffrey Law, Joey Kho, Doron Teh, Valentine Lim, Stanton Tan, Leslie Wong, Michelle Chai, Amanda Thian, Chin Yin Sing, Syaneeza and yours truly, Abdul Waie

Back- Jazlyn, Adnan Zaki, Doron Teh, Chieng Lin Wei, Samuel Po
Middle - Lyana, Chara Teh,
Front - Caryl Teh, and me

Lyana, Me, Jazlyn, Hakim

Me, Evelyn Eu and Valerie Ng
Doraemon, Fish, Frog
Kero kero kero..

Me, Syaneeza
October Birthday Babies
01 - Faizury [Ex-trumpet player]
02 - Alma Jerry [Concert Syukur pianist]
Ralph Lee [SJS Trumpeters]
06 - Arthur Don [Multi-tone Bass Drum player]
08 - Amirul [Classmate]
09 - Kevin Horsea [Classmate]
10 - KhairulAzree [Ex-trumpeter]
11 - Gabriel Wee [Classmate]
12 - Choo Ling [a friend from GRSS]
Joo Lung [SJS Drumline Instructor]
13 - Edward Nayong [Ex-Hornist]
14 - Najee [my clarinet member, my cousin]
17 - Ustazah Monalidzawati [SJS Teacher]
27 - Christy Hii [a friend from CH Miri]
28 - Timothy Ng [my section, my adeq!]
29 - Edmund Nayong [classmate, multi tone bass drum player]
30 - Voon Soon Loon [flute player, my sin partner]
31 - Faizul Zuraimi [Alto-Sax player]
Nur Sabrina [STS clarinet player, Faizul's twin]
Happy blessed birthdays!
Sorry for not blogging so much nowadays. I;m just so not into this blogging world anymore. Really sorry. But wells. I will update when I got time and mood to do it. XDD
Bye Bye. See you on my next post. Just tell me what you want me to post. Thanks.
PS: I wont look back at the past again as I moved on with my life. I'm pretty happy with what I have right now and I wont do the same thing like before and wont repeat my mistakes. I'm really glad with I have now. Thanks for what u had done to me all this while. I really appreciate it.
Oh ya, ice queen, no matter how cold u treat your own friends, but we still will be here if you need any help. Maybe we are no more friends of yours but you are still one of our friend. Cheers. God bless.
oh ya btw NeeWa, I love you lots ^^