ooo... watched two movies at Star cineplex... haha.. so boring la... i guess... i don't understand both movies' storyline.. LOL.. well.. maybe i'm not movie kinda of person.. haha.. but still.. You can bring me to movies if you want too... i'll be sleeping somewhere behind you.. LOL
5 jak?:
went out to watch twilight too.. xD the guy not so handsome.. but i like his attitude. lolx... xDD
Bolt is cute!! eee!! gila dat time i cute the whole way.. hahahaha.. BOLT IS CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but ur cuter.. bluekk!! i bluek u now. Muackxx
well... haha.. i'm not cute.. gila or wat.. hehe.. bolt.. too bad we cant touch it. sien si aa...
cute cute cute cute cute cute.. aieee!!! the eye so.. eeee!!!
waie..its not called halal. Juz say its haram to touch them...hahaha..
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