From Left Clockwise: Pyraminx, 4x4x4 Rubik's cube, 5x5x5 Rubik's Cube, 3x3x3 Rubik's Keychain
4x4x4 Cube.
This cube is based on Eastsheen model. It's smaller than a standard one.Nice to turn and twist it. Since it's a Eastsheen model, every layer tends to 'lock'. Only advanced Rubik's cube player know what I'm talking about. The sticker quite bad. After played by Anad, the sticker started to peel off.
Oh wells. I'll just have to wait for my sticker. Lets move on.Waie: aiiee? pa tok.. lalu jaik lalu sticker ku..
Anad: pa nak buat.. tangan speedcuber ba..
Waie: =.= uras..
5x5x5 Cube.
This one is worth it to buy. Since this cube is white base, so it's quite rare in Kuching. Hehe.. And it also Eastsheen based model. Eventhough it's 5x5x5 cube, but it's same size with standard 5x5x5 Rubik's Cube. Yea... way smaller than an original 5x5x5 Rubik's cube. but hey, it's Eastsheen model.
This cube is quite new to me. It look so cool with it's fluorescent colour. but since it's old stock product, it's worn out already. but nevermind, it's cool. Haha.. Just for the sake of coolness. Lol
3x3x3 Rubik's Keychain.
This keychain quite cool though. If you are a cube freak, and you can't live without a cube, this cube might fit you well. You can just hang this cube on your house key or your wallet and play the cube everywhere you want. Haha.
Second Parcel [From nTHtoSEy]
What's inside?? I wonder...
This parcel contain Anad's 3x3x3 DIY type A. It's black in colour. You can see the cube at this blog.
Parts of the cube ready to be assemble..

Walla..! assembled cube..
That's all for cubes. Let's move on. Haha...
Solving those cubes.. [From my point of view]
Solving a 3X3 should not be too dificult. It only took me a week to learn for those who are interested to learn it should be easier to learn as you are interested.
For the 2X2 it should not be a problem if you can already solve the 3X3. The only problem should be in the last layer if you are using the beginner's method as there no edge pieces to guide you. There should not be any problem if you are using Fridrich Oll and PLL for the last layer.
4X4 should not be so hard if you already know the solution to the 3X3 you just have to learn 3 more algorithms for 2 parity errors and the other for edge pairing.
Learning the 4X4 will give you alot of advantages when you are moving on to solving the 5X5 as you only need to learn 1 algorithm for the edge pairing in order to solve the 5X5.
For those who are interested to know more...
Parity errors are posibblities that can occur on a 4X4 and above cubes but will never occur on a 3X3 or 2X2 such as flipping a edge or permuting just 2 edges on the last layer. So if you want to sabotage any cuber[just like me], just pluck out an edge piece and put it the other way and scramble it it will not be solvable but they will usually find out about when they reach the last layer. Parity error is freaking annoying.
There are 3 major brand of cubes Rubik's brand, East Sheen and also V-Cube. Rubik's is the most original brand. EastSheen cubes are made in China but the smoothness are better than Rubik's brand cubes and they only offer 2X2, 4X4 and 5X5 cubes. Rubik's offer cubes from 2X2 up to 5X5 but if you are lokking for big cubes then V-Cube is the brand you want to look for.
Offering cubes from 5X5 to 7X7, V-Cubes are one of the best brand around interms of smoothness and it also cuts corner well (cutting corner means to turn 2 faces one after another without having to jam the cube) but they are not cheap.
I just got a East Sheen 2X2 recently and I can tell you that it is alot better than Rubik's brand's 2X2. Rubik's 2X2 [Anad's cube] is hard to turn and EastSheen cubes [me] were smooth out of the box and is suitable for speedcubing. I really recommend those who are interested to speedcubing, cubes like 2X2, 4X4 or 5X5 go for East Sheen or if you have already learn and can afford big cubes go for V-Cube. But for myself, I'll just stick to 3x3 speedcubing. I'm still learning to solve 4x4 and 5x5 cubes.
Another important thing is lubricating. Lubricating is important if you want to improve on your timing and will be easier to do "finger tricks"(finger tricks are methods for turning layers with your fingers instead of using your whole hand). The lubricant I will recommend is silicone spray. I got a can at RM3.50 at a hardware store. When you buying silicone, make sure it must be for plastic. Dismantle your cube and lay out the pieces on a piece of newspaper and spray every side of every cubies(not the side with stickers), put the cube back, work the silicone in and you will get a smooth cube.
WARNING: Do not use vaseline for lubricating cube because it is bad for your cube!!! REASON: Once you apply vaseline to the inside of your cube, it will stay in your cube unlike silicone which will dry and leave a smooth and wonderful layer on the side of the cubies. Using vaseline may cause your core to rust as it is wet and also sticky.
ANOTHER WARNING:Do not use stuff like WD-40 to lube your cube. ANOTHER REASON:Stuffs like WD-40 are for metal and is not suitable for you cube UNLESS your cube is made up of metal.
That's all. I'm a cube freak. Officially.
6 jak?:
O.O wow
hinakan jak la 2x2 n 4x4 aku. dah la tuduh aku rosakkan sticker aku n bila masa aku brk ko permission utk ambik gambar2 aku?
Anad: haha... uras
neyda uras..apa yang aku kata is pure fact
n benda yang ku post juak fact ba.. eastsheen nang better den rubik's
bt 4x4 rubik's bgs lgk..corner cutnya smooth..
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