Have you all ever thought about getting blamed for something that you didn't even do? How about ever involved in such situations? How do you feel? Feeling so mad, pissed, hatred, angry...
When I'm noisy, people will scold me. When I'm quiet , people will scold me too. You ask people around me. I do not know why they always pick on me.. Is it because I'm Waie? Is it because they hate me? Is it because for fun? What am I? A piece of rubbish?
I'm quiet at times because I know that's not the right time to be noisy. And yet people will still scold me because of being noisy and misbehaving.
Last night, someone told me this..
''In football league, the board of directors will fire the coach/manager and not the player. No matter how bad the player is, the board of directors will still pick on those managers and coaches..''
Yes. I agree on that statement. This phrases applies on everything... Even on me. Even how bad my section's discipline is.. The instructors will still pick on me. Since I'm the section leader...
Section leader was one of my dream post since form two.. I want to feel how to lead bunch of peoples and bring them up With me. Clarinet section this year, make me feels like I'm in one family. I love them so much... The uniqueness in each everyone of them make me eager to lead them. But now.. I feel like I do not have the criteria to become a section leader. I didn't even try to have their respect and loyalty. Sorry guys... I can't make it. I'm the worst clarinet section leader in SJSBAND's history now....
Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm Tired..
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 6/19/2009 06:49:00 PM
labels: band band band, emotionless
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Tick Tock


- ~WAiE~
- Hey! My name is Abdul Waie. Currently studying in class 4B, St. Joseph High School, Kuching. I'm a Band's Addict and Rubik's Cube addict. Thanks for reading my crappy blog. my E-Mail address : waie_2793@hotmail.com
All I can say is...
- 17 this year! SPM
- obviously a Form Five science stream student in St. Joseph High School
- a totally physcotic guy
- Always hang around his friend. Might as well interested in making new friends.
- a computer, guitar, mobile phones, Doraemon and band addict.
- 165 cm, 65 kg
- always want to study.. but end up not studying.
- I'm unpredictable.
- Very defensive at times but can be caring enough.
- A normal civilians in 5C
- Rarest duck in St. Joseph
- Can be helpful at times and can be selfish sometimes too.
- Can't even understand Biology and Additional Maths.
- Always talk in the class and make the teachers pissed off.
- Single but not available. =]
-Actually I'm a mixed blood. Melanau on my mom's side and Malay on dad's side.
- And a warning. You might don't like me for my behaviour.
So.. that's the warning.
- My Favourite Phrase
~Dasar kerajaan ko ya...~
~ Pa dikrepak ko ya??~
- Proudly can solve 3x3x3, 4x4x4 and 5x5x5 Rubik's cube.
Abdul Waie
- band band band (17)
- emotionless (37)
- lalala... (40)
- rubik's cube madness (10)
- when randomness strike... (60)
Don't Look Back
- January 2010 (2)
- October 2009 (1)
- September 2009 (5)
- August 2009 (10)
- July 2009 (7)
- June 2009 (5)
- May 2009 (7)
- April 2009 (3)
- March 2009 (13)
- February 2009 (14)
- January 2009 (18)
- December 2008 (15)
- November 2008 (30)
- October 2008 (8)
Situasi - Bunkface
Situasi - BunkFace
Diskriminasi menjatuhkan aku
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku ,
ku layu disitu
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
dalam ingatanku ..
oh oh oh…
Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku ,
ku tunggu ..
oh oh oh
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku ,
ku layu disitu
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
dalam ingatanku ..
oh oh oh…
Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku ,
ku tunggu ..
oh oh oh
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
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~The Cubes~

8 jak?:
hidup ini penuh dengan ujian daripada allah dan allah tidak memberi kita ujian kerana suka2..allah mahu melihat hambanya maju dan supaya hambanya akn mengingati dan meminta bantuan daripada beliau..sahabatku, bersabarlah..sentiasa ingatkan allah..jadikan rasulullah sebagai role model anda..walaupun pelbagai ujian telah ditimpa oleh beliau, rasulullah tetap tabah..
akhir kata, setiap perkara yang kita lakukan, mesti ada yang akn menjatuhkan kita..oleh itu, byklah bersabar dan berdoa kepada allah supaya kita mampu negharungi dugaan yang dilalui..
Anad: thx.
pahal comment kenak delete ya..
oh..aku terhantar duak kali..anyway, bersabar jk..byk berdoa pada allah jak..hanya padanya ajakla tempat kita mintak tolong
i agree. This is just a trail. look up to God for help. We human beings cant do everything. But never depend on God too much that you dont put in effort. You can do it, and i know you will. there's always room for improvement. Cheers. =) dnt gv up!!
hey~cheer up k?
u'll do it better n better,day by day...
i know u will...bcuz i've been through before....
If you're the worst SL, then I'm the worst pres ever. So don't sink to into it. Instructors pick on you because they misunderstand your section, nothing more. (Someone asked you people to play loud in the first place.)
And oh yea, stay away from me. I'm infectious. xD
you know, this is when i should say
There should be no giving up or putting down moments in here. You should be thankful that the instructors pick on you. They know what's best and whats not for your section. They'll tell you, in one way or another as to make sure you guys will improve, mentally and physically, espcially YOU, the section leader.
I've been through worst, and i'm pretty much the same age as you ; so no biggy. Remember, when you need help, or to discuss anything, I'm always there to lend a helping hand...
signing off,
dody_durian 4 u
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