Ever wonder what would Mirana The Priestess of The Moon look like in real life..? Recently I look into Yahoo and found her picture. This is real man.. Serious.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mirana The Priestess of The Moon
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 7/24/2009 06:30:00 PM 2 jak?
labels: when randomness strike...
Sound Pollution xD
Why dont all the Rulers, all the Agong, all the ministers go for their conference in a public bus instead of using so many cars? Be role models to the citizens for using public transport. And each car, at least 10 police cars who turn on their sirens following from behind. Global warming + sound pollution, you know..
You want to know how irritating is it, hearing all those noise coming from you all while we students focusing on the exam or studying hard to excel? Nevermind. You won't understand at all. All you know is to eat citizen's money, by wearing fancy cloths, hiring driver to drive your expensive cars bla bla bla... Not yet to say, your bodyguardSSSS just to protect you from barking dogs, living in a freaking big mansion, eating expensive foods just for your breakfast (not yet to mention about your lunch, evening tea, dinner, supper, late-midnight snacks, bla, bla bla...). Ever think about those citizens under your very goverment? It's our money.. We pay tax!
Tomorrow marks our last day of exam. Tomorrow's paper is Modern Maths paper two and Pendidikan Agama Islam paper 2. And right after that band practice will resume.. Woots! I miss banding! xD
She confessed. What I should do?? Sob.
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 7/24/2009 03:31:00 PM 2 jak?
labels: when randomness strike...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The Hour has approached, and the moon split. But whenever they see a sign, they turn away and say, ‘This is evident magic.’ (54:1-2)
The miracle of the splitting of the moon was demonstrated before a certain gathering who persisted in denial of Muhammad’s Prophethood. As was related by ‘Adbullah ibn Mas‘ud, while they were in Mina’ one night, the Prophet split the moon into two by a gesture of his index finger. The halves of the moon appeared one behind the mountain and the other in front of it. Then, the Prophet turned to us and said: ‘Be witnesses!’1
The splitting of the moon happened momentarily at a time of night
The Qur’an refers to this miracle in the following verses:
The Hour has approached, and the moon split. But whenever they see a sign, they turn away and say, ‘This is evident magic’. (al-Qamar, 54.1-2)
Materialist philosophers and their unreasoning imitators, who want to cast a shadow with their vicious delusions over such a bright miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, as the splitting of the moon, say: ‘If the splitting of the moon had taken place, it would have been known to the whole world and related in all subsequent books of human history’.
Answer: The splitting of the moon was demonstrated before a certain gathering who contradicted the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, in his cause as an evidence of his Prophethood. It happened momentarily at a time of night. Also, there were obstacles which prevented the others from seeing it, such as mist, clouds and time-differences between different parts of the world. Besides, at that time science and civilization were not yet well advanced and not widespread, and, therefore, the observation of the sky was very limited. Last but not least, there was nothing to necessitate that it should have been seen all over the world. It is because of these reasons that the splitting of the moon was not witnessed in the whole world and related in the history books of other nations.
In order to remove such clouds of delusions concerning the miracle of the splitting of the moon, heed the following Five Points:
First point
The extreme stubbornness of the unbelievers in the Hijaz at that time is well-known and is recorded in history. When the Qur’an, however, announced this incident to the whole world through its verse, The moon split, not any of those unbelievers, who denied the Qur’an, dared to contradict it in this announcement. If this incident had not occurred before their eyes, they would certainly have taken this verse as a pretext to attack the Prophet more formidably in his cause. However, neither the biographies of the Prophet, nor the books of history report anything to suggest that they denied the occurrence of this incident. What was reported concerning their reaction is as the verse records: They say, ‘This is evident magic’. The unbelievers declared the event to be magic, and they added further that if the caravans in other places had seen it, it truly happened, otherwise the Prophet bewitched them. When, however, the caravans coming the following morning from the Yemen and other places announced that they had witnessed the event, the unbelievers showed their usual reaction, saying,–God forbid!–‘The magic of Abu Talib’s orphan has affected even the heavens!’
Second point
The majority of the foremost scholars of meticulous research such as Sa’d al-Din al-Taftazani concluded that like the flowing of water from the fingers of the Prophet, upon him be peace, and his satisfying the thirst of a whole army with that water, and the grieving of the dry wooden pole–against which the Prophet used to lean while delivering sermons–because of its separation from him, and its being heard by a whole congregation, the splitting of the moon, too, is mutawatir, that is, it has been transmitted by one truthful group at each period to another, forming such a vast community that their agreement on a lie is inconceivable. It is as certain as a famous comet–named Haley–having appeared a thousand years ago, or as the existence of an island which we have not seen but exists. Therefore, it is unreasonable to foster baseless doubts about such certain, witnessed matters. In fact, it is sufficient for their acceptability that they are not impossible. As for the splitting of the moon, it is quite as possible as a mountain’s being split by a volcanic eruption.
Third point
Prophets work miracles to prove their claim of Prophethood and to convince deniers, not to compel belief. Therefore, every miracle had to be, and was, manifested to convince those who heard the claim of Prophethood. So, if they had been demonstrated in a way that could be seen by the whole world or would compel everyone to believe, this would have been contrary both to the wisdom of the All-Wise and the Divine purpose for creating man with free will, and sending religion, which entails that the ground be prepared for the mind’s acceptance without the power of choice being annulled. If, then, the All-Wise Creator had, because materialist philosophers fancy it so, left the moon split for one or two hours in order that it would be seen by the whole world and recorded in all books of human history, then it would have been no more than other astronomical events, without having been special to the Messengership of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, and an evidence of his Prophethood. Or, it would have been such an obvious miracle that everyone would have felt compelled to believe for there would have been left for the will no way but to accept belief in him. This, in turn, would have resulted in that someone with a coal-like spirit like Abu Jahl would have remained at the same level as someone with a diamond-like spirit like Abu Bakr the Truthful, which means that the purpose of the creation of man with a special function and responsibility and the purpose of sending revelation would have been negated. That is why the miracle of the splitting of the moon was not shown to the whole world to be recorded in all books of human history.
Fourth point
Some unreasoning opponents argue that if that incident had taken place, in would have been mentioned in the histories of such nations as the Chinese, the Japanese and Americans. How could they have witnessed it, given that, when this event happened, in addition to other obstacles, it was barely sunset in such European countries as Spain, France and England, which were then enveloped in mists of ignorance, daytime in America and morning in China and Japan. A thousand curses on such toadies and sycophants of Europe!
(In some books there is an additional record that the moon fell to earth after it split into two parts. This was rejected by veracious scholars on account of its being added by a hypocrite who intended to reduce to nothing the value of this evident miracle.)
Fifth point
The splitting of the moon is not an ordinary incident which happened either due to particular causes or randomly so that it should be criticized from the viewpoint of the law of cause and effect. Rather, the All-Wise Creator of the sun and the moon made it happen as an extraordinary event in order to confirm the Prophethood of His Messenger and to support him in his claim. Therefore, it was shown as a convincing proof to certain people specified by Divine Wisdom because, as stated above, the nature of Divine guidance and human responsibility, and the purpose for raising a Messenger required it to be so. If it had not been concealed from the eyes of those who were not intended to see it and who had not yet heard the Prophethood of Muhammad due to some obstacles such as fog, clouds and time-differences, and if had occurred according to the law of cause and effect, then it would have been an ordinary astrological event, not a miracle peculiar to and connected with the Messengership of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.
In conclusion, these arguments must be enough for any mind to be convinced of the possibility that the splitting of the moon occurred; now out of many evidences of its occurrence, we shall mention only six which have the strength of a six-fold consensus:
• The Companions of the Prophet, who were all men of justice and truthfulness, concurred upon its occurrence.
• All of the exacting interpreters of the Qur’an have agreed that the verse, The moon split indicates to the splitting of the moon with a gesture of Muhammad’s fingers, upon him be peace and blessings.
• All the truthful Traditionists narrated this incident through various authentic channels of transmission.
• All the men of truth and sainthood, men of inspiration and spiritual discovery have borne testimony to the occurrence of this incident.
• All the foremost theologians whose way differ greatly from each other and all the learned scholars have nevertheless agreed in their confirmation of this event.
• The Community of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, who, as established by an authentic Prophetic tradition, never agree on an error, have accepted on its occurrence.
These six evidences are as clear as the sun to prove the splitting of the moon.
Conclusion: What we have put forward hitherto on this matter has been to establish the splitting of the moon by way of refuting the objections to the possibility of it. In a few concluding sentences we will now speak in the name of the truth and for the sake of belief. Now it is the turn of the truth to speak:
The Seal of the Prophets, upon him be peace and blessings, who is the luminous moon of the heaven of Messengership, proved his sainthood through his Ascension, which is the greatest miracle of his sainthood achieved through the quality of his worship–so elevated as to make him the beloved of God. In other words, by making Muhammad, an earthly being, travel through the heavens, God showed to the dwellers of the heavens and of the highest realms his superiority to them and his being His beloved. Similarly, through the splitting of the moon, which is set in the sky and bound to the earth, upon the gesture of the same earthly being, another great miracle was demonstrated for the inhabitants of the earth as an evidence of the Messengership of that earthly being. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, flew to the summit of perfections on the two brilliant wings of Messengership and sainthood–like the two bright halves of the moon split into two; he ascended so near as to the distance of two bowstrings–that is, to the highest rank, the nearest station to God–and so became the cause of pride of both the beings of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth.
Upon him and upon his family be blessings and peace such as to fill the earth and heavens.
Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, Your are the All-Knowing, All-Wise.
1. Bukhari, Manaqib, 27; Muslim, Kitab Sifat al-Munafiqin wa ahkamihim, 44.This picture shows the location of the “Rocky Belt” which shows the moon was once split.
The unbelievers of Makkah said to the prophet that if you are truly a prophet split the moon and if you do we shall believe. It was a full moon that night…
And so the prophet prayed to Allah to grant him this miracle, and the moon was split. Half was seen over Mount. Saffa, and the other half was seen over Mount. Kaikaan.
The people said that the prophet has placed a spell on us, however if he played a trick on us, then he cant play a trick on all the people in the world! Abu Jahl then said: “let us wait until the people of Albadiah ( A Tribe )come, and if they saw the moon split, then it is true, if not then we all know it was a trick of magic.
When the people of Albadiah came they said that they too saw the moon split, and the disbelievers said “oh, how powerful Mohammad’s magic is!”
Then Allah revealed Verse in Quran in Sura al Qamar: “The hour has come near and the moon has split, and when they see a sign, they turn and say ‘this is a continuous magic’ and they disbelieved and followed their desires…”
This took place in the days of the prophet Muhammad in Makkah.
Geologists conclud that this couldn’t be unless the moon was once split and resealed. The rocks on the belt are a result of the impact during the time that the two halves of the moon recombined.
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 7/19/2009 03:40:00 PM 0 jak?
labels: when randomness strike...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Exam is still on.
A game of DoTA after a long hours of studying chemistry make you feel good. xD
Add maths paper yesterday is a hard one. Can't even barely able to breath when answering those questions. I like spending one hour plus to answer one question. Huhu.. Especially this question is my favourite topic in Add. Maths... Logarythms!!! I'm not even sure how to spell it..
The weather is freaking hot nowadays. Agree? Woots. Can't wait to start practicing for nationals again. Talking about band, SJSMSB is holding a pre-show. The details is listed below.
Date : 2nd of August 2009
Time: Start at 7.30pm
Venue: State Indoor Stadium [Stadium Perpaduan]
Theme: The Joy Of Football!
Please do accept me for who I am. I'm different, naughty, suck-up, mentally retarded, brain delay, unique, weird, caring, hooligan, bad-ass and anything you can mention here. I accept comments about myself but not in public. I do not need sarcasm and as well crytiques. I hope this will be clear enough for you. Stop whatever you are doing now. Any action that you made on me won't intimidate me at all. I won' give a damn about it as I know you just being jealous or trying to pull me down. I'm happy the way I am now and please.. do not interfere it. XD It's up to me how I want to behave in the band or in the class. You can't stop me from doing so.. So yea.. that's the karma of life.. =] By the way, Sorry for my bad english. I know you are more pro english than me.. but hey, I'm a ''lakkia''. What do you expect.. Anyways, thanks for your time Mr. So-called perfect.
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 7/18/2009 06:25:00 PM 0 jak?
labels: lalala..., when randomness strike...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Not gonna update the blog for a long time. Exam weeks is here. xD Good luck in exams.
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 7/14/2009 03:18:00 PM 0 jak?
labels: when randomness strike...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Is this real?
Is this real????
Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson
SANTA BARBARA, CA -During a search for evidence at the Neverland Valley Ranch, investigators discovered a corpse that has been identified as that of Michael Jackson, Santa Barbara police officials announced Tuesday.
Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson
"Coroners have officially pronounced Michael Jackson dead. From what we can tell, he died between 18 and 20 years ago," forensic investigator Tim Holbrooke said. "We are not certain, at this time, who-or what-has been standing trial in that Santa Maria courthouse."
According to Holbrooke, Jackson 's corpse was buried just inches below a stretch of the miniature-train tracks that run throughout Neverland. The largely desiccated corpse wore the remains of a red, zipper-covered leather jacket and a single glove.
"We positively identified the body as Jackson by his dental records and DNA," Holbrooke said. "But even before we conducted a single forensic test, we began to suspect that that we'd uncovered the real Michael, and that the disturbing figure claiming to be Jackson was a fake."
Holbrooke said that, although the corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition, when investigators compared the body to early-career publicity photos of Jackson , they saw a striking resemblance in bone structure and facial features. But when they compared the body to photos taken after 1987, the resemblance was negligible.
"This discovery raises a lot of questions, but it also sheds light on a number of disturbing incidents," Holbrooke said. "Frankly, Jackson had been acting pretty strange."
Forensic experts and music critics are postulating that Jackson was dead before the release of the multi-platinum album Bad . Detectives are currently analyzing the lyrics to "Man In The Mirror" for any clues relating to a look-alike entity that many suspect murdered the youngest member of the Jackson 5 and assumed his identity.
"We believe that Neverland served as some sort of freakishly whimsical tomb constructed by Jackson 's killer," Holbrooke said. "We also suspect that all of the iniquities that occurred on that ranch were the work of the imposter. I wouldn't have ever thought it possible, but we are looking at a situation where the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer patient is the tip of the iceberg."
Holbrooke said that, while the living Jackson is the leading suspect in the murder investigation, he "could be another victim of some sort."
"Basically, we have no idea what type of creature we are dealing with," Holbrooke said.
A member of the investigative team that discovered Jackson 's body described the experience as "otherworldly."
"As we neared the perimeter of Neverland, the dogs started whining and howling like crazy," Santa Barbara County detective Frank Poeller said. "We had to pull them into the house. When we got to Jackson 's bedroom, one of them almost choked himself to death on his leash trying to get out through the window. Minutes later, the same dog led us to the corpse."
A representative from Jackson 's self-created label, MJJ Productions, said he was not surprised to find out that the current Jackson is an imposter.
"When we were recording 'Heal The World' for Dangerous , I could tell something was terribly, terribly wrong," MJJ manager Luke Allard said. "Michael didn't seem like himself anymore. He'd demand bizarre food and sit for hours in a hyperbaric chamber. His appearance began to become more and more peculiar. Soon afterwards, he started wearing a mask and confiding in a chimpanzee."
"I remember thinking, 'This man has become a monster,'" Allard said. "If only I'd known how right I was."
The creature that claims to be Michael Jackson.
Allard said he thinks that the imposter broke ties with Jackson 's former friends and surrounded himself with children who were too young to notice the radical change.
Vanity Fair reporter Beth Pither visited Neverland in 1994.
"A strangely fearful staff member led me to Jackson , but ran off before I opened the door," Pither said. "Standing there with my hand on an ice-cold doorknob, I heard strange, unnatural sounds-leathery wings flapping, a sorrowful wail, and loud hissing. A wave of dread passed through me as I opened the door, but all I found was Michael and some kids in pajamas eating ice cream and watching 101 Dalmatians ."
While their claims have not been corroborated, other Neverland visitors have reported that when when Jackson entered a room, lights flickered, faucets ran blood-red, and screams escaped from the walls.
To aid in the investigation, the FBI enlisted Dr. Richard Weingarden, a noted expert on the paranormal from UC Santa Barbara. After only two hours, Weingarden abandoned the project.
"The smell of sulfur, the decaying facial features, the bizarrely high-pitched voice-it sounds exactly like..." Weingarden said, trailing off. "I'm sure it's nothing. Not a big deal. Nothing to be terrified about, certainly.. I have to go. I've got a family."
Thomas Sneddon, the prosecutor in Jackson 's child-molestation lawsuit, said it remains to be seen how the shocking discovery will affect the trial.
Megan Gustafson, who left her post as president of the Akron , OH Michael Jackson Fan Club after the singer was accused of molestation, offered a positive view of the grisly revelation.
"This is very disturbing news," Gustafson said. "But to be honest, it's kind of a relief too. Thriller and Off The Wall are really amazing records. Now I can pull them out of my 'ruined by child abuse' storage bin and start listening to them again."
Vicente D. Velasco Jr. BS MT
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another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 7/06/2009 10:56:00 PM 1 jak?
labels: emotionless
Friday, July 3, 2009
I just had a blasting birthday celebration at my school last night.. Hehe.
Sorry for the rare updates and short post..
I heard KungFu Panda want to ban the use of phones in band. Stupid lah.. Because of small things also want ban phones.. she also want to cann those people who played with eggs and flour last night. No way I gonna reveal those names. We just having our little, not harmful fun just to express our feelings. Just to release our stress. Oh come on...
Anyway, my sister is safely in Shah Alam now. Rooting for her to do her best.. Hope you'll be safe there.. Jia You..! xD
Thanks to everyone that wished me happy birthday.. May god bless you all.. Hehe. Thanks for the gift too... I love it so much especially the cap!! *hint hint*
I do not know wahat to say. I'm so speechless with some peoples nowadays. Their attidude.. Maybe I'm wrong.. but who knows ryte?? Sigh.
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 7/03/2009 02:39:00 PM 3 jak?
labels: emotionless, when randomness strike...
Tick Tock


- ~WAiE~
- Hey! My name is Abdul Waie. Currently studying in class 4B, St. Joseph High School, Kuching. I'm a Band's Addict and Rubik's Cube addict. Thanks for reading my crappy blog. my E-Mail address : waie_2793@hotmail.com
All I can say is...
- 17 this year! SPM
- obviously a Form Five science stream student in St. Joseph High School
- a totally physcotic guy
- Always hang around his friend. Might as well interested in making new friends.
- a computer, guitar, mobile phones, Doraemon and band addict.
- 165 cm, 65 kg
- always want to study.. but end up not studying.
- I'm unpredictable.
- Very defensive at times but can be caring enough.
- A normal civilians in 5C
- Rarest duck in St. Joseph
- Can be helpful at times and can be selfish sometimes too.
- Can't even understand Biology and Additional Maths.
- Always talk in the class and make the teachers pissed off.
- Single but not available. =]
-Actually I'm a mixed blood. Melanau on my mom's side and Malay on dad's side.
- And a warning. You might don't like me for my behaviour.
So.. that's the warning.
- My Favourite Phrase
~Dasar kerajaan ko ya...~
~ Pa dikrepak ko ya??~
- Proudly can solve 3x3x3, 4x4x4 and 5x5x5 Rubik's cube.
Abdul Waie
- band band band (17)
- emotionless (37)
- lalala... (40)
- rubik's cube madness (10)
- when randomness strike... (60)
Don't Look Back
- January 2010 (2)
- October 2009 (1)
- September 2009 (5)
- August 2009 (10)
- July 2009 (7)
- June 2009 (5)
- May 2009 (7)
- April 2009 (3)
- March 2009 (13)
- February 2009 (14)
- January 2009 (18)
- December 2008 (15)
- November 2008 (30)
- October 2008 (8)
Situasi - Bunkface
Situasi - BunkFace
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku ,
ku layu disitu
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
dalam ingatanku ..
oh oh oh…
Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku ,
ku tunggu ..
oh oh oh
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
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~The Cubes~