Have you all ever thought about getting blamed for something that you didn't even do? How about ever involved in such situations? How do you feel? Feeling so mad, pissed, hatred, angry...
When I'm noisy, people will scold me. When I'm quiet , people will scold me too. You ask people around me. I do not know why they always pick on me.. Is it because I'm Waie? Is it because they hate me? Is it because for fun? What am I? A piece of rubbish?
I'm quiet at times because I know that's not the right time to be noisy. And yet people will still scold me because of being noisy and misbehaving.
Last night, someone told me this..
''In football league, the board of directors will fire the coach/manager and not the player. No matter how bad the player is, the board of directors will still pick on those managers and coaches..''
Yes. I agree on that statement. This phrases applies on everything... Even on me. Even how bad my section's discipline is.. The instructors will still pick on me. Since I'm the section leader...
Section leader was one of my dream post since form two.. I want to feel how to lead bunch of peoples and bring them up With me. Clarinet section this year, make me feels like I'm in one family. I love them so much... The uniqueness in each everyone of them make me eager to lead them. But now.. I feel like I do not have the criteria to become a section leader. I didn't even try to have their respect and loyalty. Sorry guys... I can't make it. I'm the worst clarinet section leader in SJSBAND's history now....
Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm Tired..
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 6/19/2009 06:49:00 PM 8 jak?
labels: band band band, emotionless
Monday, June 15, 2009
Just created Facebooks account. Add me yea. Thx...
I'm still thinking whether I should go to Korea or not for the Asia Pacific Marching Band Competition... Of course I don't want to waste my parents money on some trip. Financial problems...
Problems, problems and problems....
National level is getting nearer by seconds......
And again... people putting a high hopes on SJSKCH to bring back the title.....
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 6/15/2009 05:24:00 PM 1 jak?
labels: band band band, when randomness strike...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Choki - Choki
I named this post as ''Choki-choki'' coz infront of me ryte now, there is a Choki - Choki wrappers. LOL... I'm just so random. The amazing thing we’ve discovered is that even in difficult times, people still find energy to care about something beyond themselves. Just click once on the charity you’d like to support, and DiGi will donate RM5 to it. We all have a cause close to our hearts.
I feel like blogging about my section. Muahaha...
2009 SJS CLARINETS Line-up
C1- Sebastian Wong
His nickname is Wong. He is one of the senior this year. Form 5 Band member. He also is the secretary of SJSBAND and one thing to watch out.. He is the FineMaster. Usually he fines those people who do not bring their gloves or not wearing the dress codes and etc. Well, his animal is THE CRAB... well he goes around and pinch people's chest.. =.= He play first clarinets this year and yea.. He quite good in the clarinet.. When he is in his bad mood, don't ever mess with him oh. If not, You'll be so dead. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Playful as he is, he knows when to be serious -___- Pro in DoTa.. His favourite hero is Mirana aka Priestess Of The Moon. Jia You..!! Good luck in SPM yea.
He is good in Uras-ing people around him.. =.=
C2-Ahmad Shafiq
during formation..
Camillus Cheng: Shafiq!!!
Shafiq: Apa?
Camillus Cheng: Ahh....
Shafiq: =.=
Camillus Cheng: Shafiq!!!
Shafiq: Apa?
Camillus Cheng: Ahh....
Shafiq: Ko ok ka Cam? Demam ka?
Camillus Cheng: Shafiq... Ahh....
Shafiq: Bongok ko juak main nama adik ku...
C3- Abdul Waie
He is your dear owner of this blog.. =3 He is the clarinet section leader for the 2009. Plays first clarinets He is crazy, always disturbs other peoples, loves to make other people to smile and... LOVES RUBIK'S CUBES. He always bring and play with his rubik's cube whenever there's a practice just incase he got bored and have nothing to do. Nothing much to say but he is the only duck left in this very band. Muahaha..
C4-Danish Yeo
Danish is playing first clarinet this year. Form two band member. Eventhou he just having his second year in the band but his rhythm is very good. That's why I chose him to play first clarinets. He slacking off one thing and that's is his intonation. Sometimes his intonation is quite bad. If he practice more, I bet that he will go far. He is the fox in my section. The way he moves, how he look like is really like a fox. =P He very talkative and often loud. Very childish but when he is in his 'band' mood, this guy is tottally focus and know what he is doing. He always disturb me and when marching, he teased me by imitating other band's marching style.. =___= Currently he trying to learn how to play DoTA. He keep saying he want pawn me. LOL
Our very own hippopotamus or 'badak air'. We call him as 'badak' since he have body like 'badak', He also yawn like one too.. :p He also one of the form two in my section and play third clarinet part. He very childish and sometimes he is just too hard to be discipline. Quite talkative and always quarrell with Danish. Childish kids.. =.= He can solve Rubik's cube too. Hehe.. He also just learned DoTa and his favourite hero is Phantom Lancer and Drow Ranger. Me and Roland is happily pawn him in DoTa. Haha.. His father is very supportive towards band and kind to me too. xD
Him: Waie... Ku nak celen Dota ngan ko... petang tok mok.. ku dengar tek ko nang noob habis lam main dota.. mala jak kenak pawn oleh creeps.
Me: =.= aok jak lah... klak kalah klak, boh nangis.
After play DoTa..
Him: Cilaka juak orang nak madah ku, ko ya noobs, nyesal ku anok ko tek...
Me: Tauk pun..
C6-Muhd. Najee Rudi
He is my cousin. Form two and play third clarinets. Very childish too and sometimes too playful. Very quiet at times and abit naive. We call him Camel because due to his posture while marching last year. Now his postures is improving. Phew~~ Azfar's foster son in the band and Danial's foster brother. Danial from flute section. Haha.. Another newbies in DoTa. His favourite heroes is Lich King.
A song arranged by us especially to Najee. *turns on techno songs*
Roland: Lich lich lich lich lich lich!!
Nas: Noobs Noobs noobs noobs!!!
Ikhtiar: fielder fielder fielder!!!
C7- Timothy Ng
Assistant of Section Leader. He is unexplainable. Haha.. Joking. He is Scandalous, Rasa Cute and very quiet but 'diam-diam ubi berisi''. He has a quite strict mum but very supportive towards band. Our Sea Cucumber.. We call him that because direct translations of cucumber in Malay is 'Timun' and Timun rhymes with the name of Timothy. Haha.. Very revengeful so you better don't disturb him at anytime. having his PMR this year. He play second clarinet this year. eventhou he is very quiet, but he is a SMS freak. You can see him texting 24/7. Always change his braces colour... =.= Gambateh for your PMR tim!!! xDDDD
C8- Camillus Caem
Dah malas dah ku nak cerita pasal miak tok... =.= He rarely comes for practice. Plays second clarinet this year and having his PMR this year too. Our very reowned potato in the band. Coz he look like a potato.. Sometimes very crazy and always pinch other people's chest. Haha.. He seriously hate those juniors who doesn't respects the seniors. Our fitness master for this year. Xd
Well, it's nice to work with those people and I LOVE them so so much. GO CLARINETS!!!
I bet all of them didn't even know about the existence of my blog.. =.=
DiGi LoveToSave PromotionMoney isn’t the only thing we can save.
For some people it’s children. For others it’s the planet.
That inspired us at DiGi to try and raise RM150,000 in 30 days. And you have the power to help with a single click. And it does NOT matter which mobile network you are on – just as long you are among those who LovetoSave.
Click this banner yea.Best wishes,
2793 Production
Hurry up. Only one click just to donate RM5! And that RM5 doesn't even come from your pocket.. With one click, DiGi will donate RM5 to the charity bodies.. Don't tell me your finger is just too heavy to click on this banner.
A few words to cheer up your days...
"Don't judge others by their actions then judge yourself by your intentions."
ONE. Don’t judge me by what I have done in the past
TWO. Don’t judge me by your own standards
THREE.Don’t judge me by what you have heard about me
FOUR. Don’t judge me by what you think I am going to do
FIVE. Don’t judge me by my family
SIX. Don’t judge me by the kind of friends I have
SEVEN. Just don't judge.
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 6/11/2009 07:13:00 PM 2 jak?
labels: band band band, when randomness strike...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Click the picture for a clearer view yea? ^.^
Ladies and gentlemens. I'm proud to tell you all, Chrono Techs is qualified into 2009 Formula One In Schools Qualified Regional Teams. And.. Chrono Techs is the only team from the very reowned SMK. St. Joseph Kuching...!!! Go St. Joe Go St. Joe!!
Information is available here.
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 6/10/2009 08:50:00 PM 1 jak?
labels: when randomness strike...
Monday, June 8, 2009
This will be a long post...!!! ahaha...
well, I don't know what to write also..
Let's start with.... 9th Sarawak State Level Marching Band Competition at Sibu that day...
If you don't want to read, you just grab the mouse at your hand and scroll down. As easy as that. If the thing I write here will offend some people out there.. then... *gik rasa kauu*
This season is the 2nd season that I enjoyed the most. The first one is of course 2007 KLWMBC season. The reasons why I enjoyed this season... is because... I learned what is teamwork. Yes, I admit that few years back I'm a such a jackass in the band. I fight with other people, cari pasal with other people and bully other people. But now, since I'm getting matured day by day, I know how to control myself and stuffs. I learned -
Charity - do ourselves a favor by knitting an immaculate plan carefully and making full preparation early on.
Rest - get enough sleep to keep a cool head.
Responsiblity - know our roles, be appreciative and be positive.
Innocence - bad things happen for many reasons, no one should be pointed the finger at, everyone is to be blamed.
Caring - crying is not a sign of weakness, but an indicator of deep concern, what’s more important is to recover and come back stronger.
Yes, I'm a Band Freak. Everytime people see my face, all they can think is, band band band... My exam results drop, they say it is because of band. To me, it's not because of band... it is because of myself. I'm stupid, lazy ass and very stubborn in studying. I got questioned by most of people like ''why do you want to waste your time when u can actually go out with your friends?'' or
get insulted by people for training like mad under the unpredictable weather. I believe that outdoor activities like this will help guide the younger generations to think,decide and act rationally. I'm not saying that all my members are very matured but that's one of the few steps where they can learn and pick up the skills that they need for their future despite all the negative influence that pollute the new generation that's happening nowadays. I don't care about the pain,being burned under the sun, draining out my money just for band. I just want to see happy faces during training which keep me motivated all the time. I enjoyed practice with my teammates, as I call them, my brothers. I had fun marching with them, eating with them, playing with them, talking with them, and the important is PERFORMING THE BEST WITH THEM. By the way, since my lil brother *real brother* joined the band, relationship between me and him improved 35%. Now I know how to take care of him. Before this, I hardly ever talk to him. Seriously.
I admit that in a group of a society, there will always be the bad guys or *miak sik sedar dirik*. Maybe I'm in that group. Who knows ryte? Anyways, this group of peoples always bring problems to the society. In my case, this groups always come late for practices, escape to cyber cafe and et cetera. I do not know why they want to create trouble. Maybe they think it's not worth it to come for practices. And because of this kind of people, ''Kung-Fu Panda'' of our band started to give demerits for those non-valid reasons absentees. Threats are of no use to some of those members, and it's affecting the good members in anyway. In a short period, I predict that most of the band members will be ''kicked-out'' from the school just because he doesn't attend for band practises. Angry, uncooperative and rebellious people like certain people.Before we, SJSBAND KCH enter the competition field, we gathered around as brothers listening to instructors and teachers giving us the last briefing. They told us, the ex-members had faith in SJS KCH and they believe that we can do our best as Josephian always do. Supporters from our rival schools in around Malaysia wished us the best. We received messages as far from Canada and London just to wish SJS all the best. Our formation director's messages touched us the most.
We cried before we enter the field. We felt so pumped-up and last few minutes, I hugged everyone in my section. I gave them few words and cheer them up but failed since I was crying too.
We performed a superb show that caught all the crowds around competition venue. I can see other bands running around just to catch our performance. The audience shouting, supporting and cheering for SJS.
"I have done my best. Even if we don't win this year, it's okay because we had performed a tremendous show. It is also quite impossible for us not to win. =.="This season also is the most relaxing season for us all. The instructors didn't really push us. I'm quite shocked to see that we won because... Based on my observes, other band skipped school just to practice, spending days and nights and practicing the extreme way... but they still end-up being in the same position like last year. Yes, I'm proud that my band won the State Championship. ''PROUD" but I don't "hidung tinggi'' or ''sombong'' like certain band out there.
well.. That's all for this topic.
I watched Nights At The Museum 2.. It's damn hilarious and funny. Hehe... xD
Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) came back as CEO of a company that selling household products. He was a successful businessman but he missed the moment when he was working as security guard in the museum. He went back to the museum to visit his old buddies, unfortunately this historical museum was considered outdated and all the exhibits will be moved to the achieve of Washington's Smithsonian. The Monkey brought along the Ahkmenrah's magical golden tablet which was the source of making them become alive after the sunset. At the world largest museum, the exhibits met the bad guy Kahmunrah-Ahkmenrah's brother who was tried to conquer the world with the golden tablet. The golden tablet able to call back the evil spirits from the underworld and the evil spirits can be the strong army team. Larry received call from Jedediah and started the whole rescue plan. Larry also met the first women pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean-Amelia Earhart. She helped Larry in the rescue plan and she fell in love with Larry. Bad guys never win in every story. In the end, Larry and others able to fight back Kahmunrah and send him back to the underworld.
This second episode is more interesting and adventures. It probably because the museum is bigger and involve more new characters such as the giant Abraham Lincoln, The Thinker, bobbing-heads Albert Einstein, Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon Bonaparte, Al Capon and the three cute singing cupids. Now not just the exhibits are moving and the people in the painting become alive too. Larry and Amelia went into the photo of The Kiss at Times Square. The photo was taken after the World War II ended, the fact of the photo is the sailor was kissing every girl he encountered and the nurse in the photo slapped him.
It's just so cool...
I just received my parcels last Thursday from nTHtoSEy. I waited for two months just for this stickers. I ordered 2 sets of 3x3 stickers and one set of 4x4 sticker while I ordered 3 sets of 3x3 stickers for Anad.
Last Monday, Adnan and Jordan invited me to spend one night at Riverside Majestic Hotel. So... kinda had fun that day.. Haha...
another masterpiece by ~WAiE~ bila? 6/08/2009 07:32:00 PM 3 jak?
labels: band band band, emotionless, lalala..., rubik's cube madness, when randomness strike...
Tick Tock


- ~WAiE~
- Hey! My name is Abdul Waie. Currently studying in class 4B, St. Joseph High School, Kuching. I'm a Band's Addict and Rubik's Cube addict. Thanks for reading my crappy blog. my E-Mail address : waie_2793@hotmail.com
All I can say is...
- 17 this year! SPM
- obviously a Form Five science stream student in St. Joseph High School
- a totally physcotic guy
- Always hang around his friend. Might as well interested in making new friends.
- a computer, guitar, mobile phones, Doraemon and band addict.
- 165 cm, 65 kg
- always want to study.. but end up not studying.
- I'm unpredictable.
- Very defensive at times but can be caring enough.
- A normal civilians in 5C
- Rarest duck in St. Joseph
- Can be helpful at times and can be selfish sometimes too.
- Can't even understand Biology and Additional Maths.
- Always talk in the class and make the teachers pissed off.
- Single but not available. =]
-Actually I'm a mixed blood. Melanau on my mom's side and Malay on dad's side.
- And a warning. You might don't like me for my behaviour.
So.. that's the warning.
- My Favourite Phrase
~Dasar kerajaan ko ya...~
~ Pa dikrepak ko ya??~
- Proudly can solve 3x3x3, 4x4x4 and 5x5x5 Rubik's cube.
Abdul Waie
- band band band (17)
- emotionless (37)
- lalala... (40)
- rubik's cube madness (10)
- when randomness strike... (60)
Don't Look Back
- January 2010 (2)
- October 2009 (1)
- September 2009 (5)
- August 2009 (10)
- July 2009 (7)
- June 2009 (5)
- May 2009 (7)
- April 2009 (3)
- March 2009 (13)
- February 2009 (14)
- January 2009 (18)
- December 2008 (15)
- November 2008 (30)
- October 2008 (8)
Situasi - Bunkface
Situasi - BunkFace
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku ,
ku layu disitu
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
dalam ingatanku ..
oh oh oh…
Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku ,
ku tunggu ..
oh oh oh
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
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- Simon Wong - My Little Legacy
- The Cube Freak - When Cubes Strike
- xXxXx Me!!!! xXxXx
- xXxXx My Frienster xXxXx
- xXxXx VoteBand xXxXx

~The Cubes~